23 Dec 2013

An Attempt failed…

 Geetha Munnurcode

Long, but deep were
Those ….
The conspiracies crawled
And steadied to
Well defined map of plans…

A prejudice
On unkempt flow of fury
Under currents
Warmed up
A long wait sustained
Just to float up
At the right twists…

How could it miss !
The arrow too sharpened
Aimed with cautious hands
Not just a drop
But a flood of blood
That was dreamt,
To ooze out…

Yet it failed
A rock heart tucked it in
The flattened edge bounced back
Here it lies swaying
The greed lay in mud
Off guard  was it struck
Gone are the hopes
Sprayed with mutilated hopes
The vengeance smashed…

Yes, for sure the venom
De activates if mixed
In the thoughts of degradation
Of truth and honesty
It’s for certain in times
The truth would triumph.

എം കെ ഹരികുമാർ ഓണപ്പതിപ്പ്‌ 2020

ഗസ്റ്റ് എഡിറ്റോറിയൽ ഇരവി       എം.കെ.ഹരികുമാറിൻ്റെ കവിതകൾ കാവ്യഭാരതം വിഷണ്ണരാവുന്നത് അവരവരുടെ വഴിയിൽ കൊറോണയുടെ മാന്ത്രിക യാഥാർത്ഥ്യം. എന്റെ ...