19 May 2012

One Day Even You'll Be...


To my Grandfather I have never seen....

If you see an old man,
don't just ignore him.
Hold his hands and lead his way...
Talk to him some loving words...
Give him bread and water if you can.
He is old, poor and pale...
he cannot afford you anything...
but He can love you as his grandchild...
And maybe tell you stories...
Have the mind to listen to him...
As he is lonely and pale...
Don't ignore him thinking he is old...
He has seen the world more than you...
If you ignore...Remember...
One day you are also becoming old...
And just think....
no one to take care of you...

എം കെ ഹരികുമാർ ഓണപ്പതിപ്പ്‌ 2020

ഗസ്റ്റ് എഡിറ്റോറിയൽ ഇരവി       എം.കെ.ഹരികുമാറിൻ്റെ കവിതകൾ കാവ്യഭാരതം വിഷണ്ണരാവുന്നത് അവരവരുടെ വഴിയിൽ കൊറോണയുടെ മാന്ത്രിക യാഥാർത്ഥ്യം. എന്റെ ...