19 Jul 2013

The prejudiced grip.

     Geetha munnurcode
A check, a cross or a band of cunning cops
What’s that standing and posing upright?
Casting shadows, grim and faint…..
In my paths of serene solidarity..…….?
Why am I pushed back?
And shunted
By an unseen force……..?

A prejudiced shrewdness
Seems to echo from nowhere,
Just to gulp my very existence.
Nay…! It’s my catch!
You would better grab not –

How serenely I had built up
Fineries in my deeds and dealings!
Now crushed and crackled
By an unexpected engine hand……!

Yes, I do grudge apologies
To my inner self, that
I could have foreseen
The things change colors often
And a man’s moods
Would change the entropy
Over turning and grounding
What comes his way!
Where the self is the only beneficiary!

എം കെ ഹരികുമാർ ഓണപ്പതിപ്പ്‌ 2020

ഗസ്റ്റ് എഡിറ്റോറിയൽ ഇരവി       എം.കെ.ഹരികുമാറിൻ്റെ കവിതകൾ കാവ്യഭാരതം വിഷണ്ണരാവുന്നത് അവരവരുടെ വഴിയിൽ കൊറോണയുടെ മാന്ത്രിക യാഥാർത്ഥ്യം. എന്റെ ...